College Attendance System


College Attendance System Software

AcademyDesk Cloud based attendance system uses the resources like Biometric, RFID Device, PIN, Mobile GPS, and Employee & Student Login Portal for entry and exit attendance. Attendance log get generated by these resources on the central server. Thus you can have single attendance system for multiple locations on real time at cloud server. It increase the efficiency of the whole process of employee attendance management.

Student can register their daily attendance by showing their RFID card to the RFID card reader or they can also make biometric attendance. It make ease to education organisations like school, college and coaching classes to generate attendance records of each students.

Employee attendance system have the provision of punching the attendance within prescribe range of distance in the office premises with the help of GPS. It is also having mobile app on GPS for making attendance

Cloud based attendance system also have a login for employee with their with his / her unique id and password to view attendance records. Employee portal helps the employees to punch their attendance in the system by putting login credentials when all said resources get failed. It is having unique feature of “Employee Tracking system” where employee can punch their gate pass between the standard day timings of In & Out and can track their In & Out records.

HR Manager or Admin using cloud based attendance system gets all the reports generated at central place without any infrastructure cost. HR Manager or Admin can get access for it from any device on internet connection like Computer, Laptop, Mobiles and Tablets. It save lot of Time of HR Manager on day to day operations.

The attendance system connect with Leave management software record complete attendance per employee which include, late coming, short leave, half day, full day leave, C-off etc. for Payroll. Important features of the Time and Attendance system as follows.

  • Cloud base attendance system can be access it from anywhere in the world.
  • Can be integrated with Biometric, RFID device, GPS etc.
  • Real time attendance from multiple locations.
  • Generate all attendance records of employee like late & early exit-entry
  • Easy to operate and view the records.